On this page you can find links to crime scene 3D models that were created during this project. On each model’s page you can find images as well as downloads of the model in various sizes.

Bed Room 1
LiDAR scan of a bedroom at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville Crime Scene House.

Bed Room 2
LiDAR scan of the second bedroom area of the University of WIsconsin-Platteville Crime Scene House.

LiDAR scan of the bathroom area of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville Crime Scene House.

Laundry Room
LiDAR scan of the laundry room area of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville Crime Scene House.

Mock Homicide
LiDAR scan of a mock homicide crime scene at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville Crime Scene House.

Mock Suicide
LiDAR scan of a mock suicide crime scene at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville Crime Scene House.

Mock Bank Robbery
LiDAR scan of a mock crime scene depicting a bank robbery captured at Fox Valley Technical College Public Safety Training Center.

Train Derailment
LiDAR scan of a train derailment scene at Fox Valley Technical College Public Safety Training Center.

Decommissioned Plane
LiDAR scan of a decommissioned cargo airplane at Fox Valley Technical College Public Safety Training Center.

Single Family Home
LiDAR scan of a single family home set up at the Fox Valley Technical College Public Safety Training Center.